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Minecraft Multiple Devices

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Yes, You can transfer Minecraft: PE World from one device to another device. Just go to your Internal StorageGamesMojangMinecraftWorlds. Make sure that storage location in the app is set to External, and then, copy your favorite world and share it using any app or bluetooth. Can I install Minecraft bedrock on multiple devices? Minecraft is a game that lends itself to hundreds of hours of exploration and building. Don't let your creations go up in a puff of dying-hard-drive smoke; read on as we show you how to locate and (automatically) back up your critical Minecraft files.

Prepare to transfer the file. Click edit in the top right, and click on the folder labeled the name of your world. Hit the 'create new zip file' button next to the plus at the bottom, and follow the onscreen instructions.Make sure that iFile is open on the other device, and make sure Bluetooth is enabled on both devices.

Smartphones and tablets have made it possible for us to be connected at all times, whether it be for business or for leisure. Sometimes you just can't pull out your laptop or turn on your desktop to answer an email, and that's why it's important to be able to access your messages on all of your devices. Technology is constantly changing and permanent and efficient email solutions are now available across multiple devices thanks to internet standard protocols.

Internet standard protocols are used to retrieve email messages from a remote mail server over a TCP/IP connection. There are several different versions of these protocols, but for the purpose of this article we will look at the most common ones: IMAP and POP3.


Internet Message Access Protocol or IMAP allows you to use multiple devices to check and see replies and new messages from your email because it allows email to stay and be stored on the servers. IMAP is the preferred internet standard protocol for most email clients (i.e. Outlook, Gmail) today.

POP3 retrieves emails by downloading and storing them onto an individual device. This makes it impossible to see replies and new messages across all of your different devices. Typically, most email clients no longer use POP3.

With most email clients embracing IMAP, seeing messages across multiple devices is mostly a non-issue. However, there are some cases where one device may utilize IMAP, while another device uses POP3. This will prevent you from being truly able to see all of your messages on all of your devices. So what should you do? Well, there are many ways around this dilemma, some are quick fixes, and some are more elegant solutions.

The Quick Fix

The not-so-elegant solution is just to blind carbon copy (Bcc) your own email address on every new message that you send, including replies. All of these messages would be sent to your regular inbox in Outlook. We suggest using Bcc instead of carbon copy (cc) so that the recipient doesn't wonder why you copy yourself on all of you messages, an action that could be viewed by others as silly or unprofessional.

Apple's iOS allows you to streamline this process

Simply visit your Settings, select Mail, and scroll down to the section that says 'Always Bcc Myself' and turn it on. (see figures 1 and 2)

(figure 1)

(figure 2)

Then, you can set up a rule in Outlook (see below instructions). This rule is called 'Save Sent Bcc Messages from iPad/iPhone.' Basically, each incoming message that is not addressed to you (something you sent to someone else), but is from you (you sent it from your iPhone or iPad, and Bcc'd yourself) is automatically moved to your sent messages.

How to set up an email rule for Outlook 2013 and 2016

Step 1

Under the 'Home' tab, in the 'Move' section, there is a button called 'Rules'. When pressed, it will reveal a menu. Choose the option 'Create Rule…'.

Step 2

On the resulting window, click 'Advanced Options'.

Step 3

A new window with the title 'Rules Wizard' opens. In the box labeled 'Step 1', enable the 'from (email address from the last message that was highlighted in the main view)' and 'where my name is not in the To box' options.

Step 4

In the box labeled 'Step 2', click on the email address that is specified in the 'and from' line, and a new window will appear. Use the form provided on that window to change the email address to yours. Click OK to accept the changes, then click 'Next' on the 'Rules Wizard' window to continue.

Step 5

On the next page, in the box labeled 'Step 1', enable the 'move it to the specified folder' and 'stop processing more rules' options.

Step 6

In the box labeled 'Step 2', click where it says 'specified' on the 'move it to the specified folder' line. A new dialog box called 'Rules and Alerts' will open. Use the form provided in that dialog box to select your Sent or Sent Items folder. Click 'OK' to accept the changes, then click 'Finish' on the 'Rules Wizard' window to add the new rule to Outlook.

Now, every message you send from your iPhone or iPad is automatically put in your sent folder in Outlook. This will centralize all of your sent messages from multiple devices in one location where you can reference or archive them.

The Permanent Solution

If you want a more streamlined, and elegant solution, you'd ideally use your computer to create a new account with IMAP capabilities. Before you do this, however, make sure that you archive your emails from your current account. Learn how to archive your Outlook emails here.

First, open up your Outlook on your computer and select Account Information under the File tab. Click Add Account.

Next, select Manually configure server settings or additional server types and click Next.

Make sure Internet E-mail is selected and click Next.

At this point, you should enter your name and email address. Under Account Type make sure you select IMAP. Then, enter your incoming mail server and outgoing mail server. And finally, enter your username and password. Your username is your full email address. Then, click More Settings.

Under the Outgoing Server tab, check off that your Outgoing server requires authentication then click on the Advanced tab.

Set your IMAP server name reference for both the incoming server and the outgoing server along with your type of encrypted connection.

Now, you'll be able to access all of your email across multiple devices. Your emails will be saved onto a server, allowing your email to be completely centralized.

Do you need help with any IT support or do you want to centralize your data? Give us a call at 248.687.7888 or email us at for more information on how we can help you.

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  1. Things to Consider Before You Buy
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Cori Dusmann covers the options for purchasing Minecraft, as well as the steps involved in downloading and installing Minecraft.
This chapter is from the book
The Parent's Guidebook to Minecraft®

This chapter is from the book

This chapter is from the book

Minecraft is very easy to purchase. You can buy it online from the Mojang website, or you can go directly to and buy it there (both end up in the same place, but the route eliminates several steps). Alternatively, you can buy a gift card, available at many retailers, and then use it to purchase your game. You can also buy a Minecraft account for another person and have it emailed to them, or it can be sent to you so you can gift it directly (Figure 4.1). We'll walk through the entire process.

Figure 4.1 There are many ways to purchase Minecraft.

Things to Consider Before You Buy

Before you purchase your account, there are some things you need to take into consideration, such as for whom you are purchasing the account, what access they will have, and how many individual accounts you'd like to get. The number of accounts is important, because once a single user has begun to invest in their Minecraft experience, they are unlikely to want anyone else to manipulate their account and, by extension, their Minecraft worlds. You also need to decide on a username, something that requires some forethought.

Separate Accounts

If multiple players are going to be playing, either they can share an account (and therefore won't be able to play at the same time) or they each need their own account. Although you can create endless saved maps, you can play as only one character. If at all possible, buy a separate account for each player in your family. That way, everyone has their own identity.

Remember that single-player maps are saved to the computer they are played on, and therefore anyone logging on to that computer can access them. This means that individual accounts won't necessarily stop your children from interfering with each other's work. It's a good idea to establish clear house rules and consequences (see Chapter 3, 'Fitting Minecraft Fit into Family').

Having separate accounts becomes more important when playing on a server, because it is confusing to others on the server if the person behind the username is constantly shifting. For instance, if Wrednax and I were to share an account, it would cause many challenges beyond not being able to play at the same time. We have very different interests when we play—he is much more interested in PVP than I am, and I tend to be the server 'mom,' sharing resources and helping new players get settled. Microsoft game bar. If we had one account, other players wouldn't know which of us was logged on unless we clarified each time someone new joined, which could be confusing (and tedious). And if we were playing on a server that uses the Towny plugin (a special modification), we'd really have challenges. Towny lets players create and join towns, and it blocks other players from building or breaking blocks in those towns, which is valuable in terms of protecting your materials. Were we to share a username on the Rawcritics PVP map, however, only one of us could join the town of our choosing, because players can be members of only one town. And since Wrednax is mayor of a PVP town and I'm a member of the only neutral town on the server, that could cause challenges. On other servers, there would be the potential for similar challenges, perhaps with different plugins.

If you are uncertain whether your children will play Minecraft, or you'd just like to try it first, then a shared account will work, particularly if they are just playing on single-player maps. If you take this route, make sure you create a username that will fit your child or yourself, because usernames cannot be changed.

Selecting a Username

Although Mojang has said on its site that you might be able to change your username in the future, it is not possible at this time. So put thought and care into selecting one. With over 10 million games sold, picking a good, unique username can be a challenge.

You won't know if a name has been used before you try it during the registration process, so you should have a few names prepared. Do online casinos cheat. Otherwise, you might find yourself hastily selecting something you or your child will regret.


When you're playing a single-player game at home or on a private server where you know all the players, your username doesn't really matter much. You could use your real name, and it would be fine. But as soon as you start playing with other people on public servers, privacy becomes much more important. For example, a personal name like Cori_Dusmann, or even CDusmann, would be too revealing, particularly for a child. Even using your child's first name might make you uncomfortable, and it is fairly uncommon to see proper names as usernames. Chronicle bills & income 8 7 0.

There are many nicknames and choices available, but you may need to be creative. Wrednax is Xander's name spelled backward—the W is the first letter of his last name. People occasionally figure it out, but there is nothing else revealing about it, so I was fine with his choice. It's been a good one, because it is short, simple, and easy to remember.

Minecraft compatible devices
Minecraft multiple devices

If you're concerned about your child being identified by gender, be sure to pick a gender-neutral name. Although it's beginning to change, girl gamers have traditionally had a harder time gaining respect. I've had few problems on Rawcritics, and the Minecraft realm is actually very open and unbiased (relatively speaking). On less family-friendly servers, though, I've occasionally had to ward off unwanted attention and have at times wished I'd chosen a less obviously feminine name.

Keep it Short

Keep usernames short, especially for younger children. Choose something that your child will remember and be able to spell easily. Short usernames are also helpful in that other players can talk to you without doing a lot of writing. For example, when you send someone a private message on a server, you need to enter their full username. Make it easy for others to communicate with you or your children, and select a shorter name. Also, many commands and actions require the entry of your name and sometimes multiple names. For example, the teleport command usually requires the entry of two names. And even with short names, players will probably shorten them further: Wrednax is usually called Wred, I'm known as Whimsey or Whims, and I'm lazy enough to shorten a friend's four-letter username to the first letter, J.

Keep it Simple

Usernames can be clever and descriptive, and they can express something about the individual. Keep it simple and easy to remember. Long strings of letters or words can be hard to remember, and even if they have meaning to the user, other players may not bother with messaging. Fun slots to play in vegas.

Be sure that the name when shortened is acceptable to you and your child, because chances are high that your name will be with you for a very long time.

Be Creative

Have fun creating a username. Putting two semi-random words together can result in a fun, easy, and unique name. An adjective and a noun, or a noun and a verb, can work well together. For example, PowerPop, AquaBlue, or GiddyFrog, which might be nicknamed (or nicked, in game language) either Giddy or Frog. Names can be playful or serious, witty or goofy.

Minecraft For Multiple Devices

Using an underscore (_) or spare letters can help make the name unique but still easy to remember, for example, Fruity_Galore. Some players use X or Xx to bracket their names; for instance, XxWhimseysgirlxX.

One way to generate some name ideas is to write down a list of adjectives and a list of nouns with your kids. Cut them out and put them in separate bags. Take turns drawing to create names, and make a list of the top ones. Remember that it's always good to have a few names when you start to make an account, in case your preferred name is taken.

Choose a Name that will Last

Although Mojang has said they're working on a way to allow players to change usernames, it may not happen for a long time. Help your children, especially younger ones, select a name that they can be happy with longterm. If they make friendships outside the game, they may still be identified as that username, so it's important to select one that actually represents them. I often call Xander Wred, and he calls me Whims—our usernames have just become nicknames.

Play Minecraft On Multiple Devices

Creating a Password

To sign in to Minecraft, you will be using a username or the email address linked to the account, as well as a password. It is important to create a password that combines letters and numbers and that is not simple to guess or too short. Create a password solely for your Mojang account, especially if children are going to be logging in on their own, because you cannot know how secure they might keep that password. Pick something that is not obvious or easily figured out—if you need it to be easy to remember, make it personal to you, but don't use birthdays, your address, your phone number, or anything that can be easily guessed.

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